20 November 2024
The fourth Reflection Board meeting between representatives of RB...

event list

Best practices for alternative egg production systems - Final Conference
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On 3 May 2023, in Brussels, will take place a high-level conference presenting the results of a two-year European Parliament pilot project on Best practices for transitioning to higher welfare cage-free egg production systems. This pilot project is particularly relevant in the context of the Commission's commitment, in response to the European Citizen's Initiative End the Cage Age' to propose legislation to phase-out the use of cages for laying hens (and other species). The project...
Second Reflection Board meeting
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The second Reflection Board meeting between representatives of the Reflection Board (RB) organizations (from the EU Platform on Animal Welfare) and the EURCAW-Poultry-SFA, was held remotely via Teams on November, 18th 2022 afternoon. In total 12 participants, seven of them from seven EU platform entities forming the RB, and four from EURCAW-Poultry-SFA were connected. One representative from DG SANTE attended as an observer.   This meeting was the occasion to remind the objectives...
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The third EU-network meeting between representatives of EU Member States (MSs) Competent Authorities (CAs) and the EURCAW-Poultry-SFA, took place in Palma (Spain) on September, 28-29, 2022 for 1,5 days. In total 59 participants, from 19 EU MSs participated, including 26 delegates from CAs, and 14 from EURCAW-Poultry-SFA. One EFTA representative attended as an observer. This meeting was the occasion to present the objectives of the Centre, and the work performed since the last meeting....
XI European Symposium on Poultry Welfare
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The next 26 to 29 June 2023, will take place the eleven European Symposium on Poultry Welfare in Prague (Czech Republic). 9 sessions are planned:   Welfare – part of poultry production sustainability Welfare assessment (labelling, traceability, precision livestock farming, smart technologies) Main welfare challenges (feather pecking, beak trimming, keel bone, bone strength in broilers) Poultry killing, transport, slaughtering Poultry breeding and welfare, epi-...
EURCAWs met with National Reference Centres and National Supporting Bodies
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The three EURCAWs (EURCAW Ruminants & Equines, EURCAW Pigs, and EURCAW Poultry-SFA) hosted the second workshop with National Reference Centres for Animal Welfare and the Competent Authorities’ Supporting Bodies on 13 September 2022. In total 89 participants from 22 Member States participated, including 24 members from the three EURCAWs, and three delegates from DG SANTE of the European Commission.   The aims of the meeting were...
EURCAW-Poultry-SFA Italian management meeting
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The first physical management meeting of the year was held in IZSLER facility in Brescia from 28 to 29 March 2022. Thirteen members of the Centre met in order to prepare the future period’s work-programme, the third CAs meeting, and work together on the 2022 various tasks. The health director of IZSLER Giuseppe Merialdi was pleased to welcome all consortium members.  After the meeting, four members of the Centre took the opportunity to visit a hatchery on March 30. The...
20th ISAH Congress
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ISAH, the International Society for Animal Hygiene, will organize the 20th ISAH Congress in a Hybrid format in Berlin, Germany from 5 to 7 October 2022. Registration is available here. ISAH members as online participants (all countries), and online participants from Ukraine and from developing countries have the possibility of a free of Charge Online participation. The Call of Papers is open until 31 March 2022 (Link). Abstracts and/or full-length papers of orals...
MiteControl Project Livestream
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The MiteControl project will be running a Livestream from 14:00 to 16:45 on 16 March 2022. This event is to host a series of demonstrations on practical red mite monitoring methods, best practices for cleaning during poultry houses during the empty period, and non-chemical methods trialed as part of the project for controlling red mite. The demonstrations will be livestreamed from the Experimental Poultry Centre in Belgium which will allow for these to be demonstrated in-situ within a...
First meeting between the Centre and its Reflection Board
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The first Reflection Board (RB) meeting between representatives of RB organizations (from the EU Platform on Animal Welfare) and the EURCAW-Poultry-SFA, was held remotely via Teams on the morning 26th of November 2021. This meeting was the occasion to present the objectives of the Centre, its organization, and the previous and actual work programmes, to exchange, discuss and identify possible future collaboration and interests.   In total 14 participants, six of them from the seven...
Second meeting between the Centre and Competent Authorities representatives
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The second EU-network meeting between representatives of Competent Authorities (CAs) and the EURCAW-Poultry-SFA, took place online on October 2021, 26-27, on 2 * 0.5 days. This meeting was the occasion to present the objectives of the Centre, the past and present work programme, and the Centre’s work since its nomination. Furthermore, it permitted to discuss potential future priority areas of work, identify possible collaboration at the national level, and identify the main needs and...
