The establishment of Animal Welfare Reference Centres is laid down in the Official Controls Regulation (Articles 95 & 96). In October 2019, the European Commission designated a second EU Reference Centre for Animal Welfare dedicated to the welfare of poultry and other small farmed animals: 'EURCAW-Poultry-SFA'.

The centre aims at improving the enforcement of EU legislation applicable to those animals, such as laying hens, chickens for meat production, rabbits and other small farmed animals, including their transport and killing operations.

     EURCAW-Poultry-SFA's consortium is composed of members from ANSES, IRTA, ANIS, and IZSLER
EURCAW-Poultry-SFA activities are coordinated by ANSES. EURCAW-Poultry-SFA receives its funding from Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission, as well as from the national governments of three partners forming the Centre: ANSES, ANIS (Aarhus University), and IZSLER.
EURCAW-Poultry-SFA staff can be contacted via the email



The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) is an administrative public establishment accountable to the French Ministries of Health, Agriculture, the Environment, Labour and Consumer Affairs. ANSES undertakes monitoring, expert assessment, research and reference activities in a broad range of topics that encompass human health, animal health and welfare, and plant health.


The Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) is a research institute owned by the Government of Catalonia adscribed to the Department of Agriculture and ruled by private regulations.

IRTA’s mission is to contribute to modernising, improving, boosting competitiveness, and fostering sustainable development in the sectors of agriculture, food, agroforestry, aquaculture, and fishing. But also, in all areas of activity directly or indirectly related to the supply of healthy, high-quality foodstuffs to end consumers, while also contributing to food safety and safe processing of foodstuffs and in general enhancing the health and well-being of the population.


The department of Animal Science (ANIS) is part of Aarhus University which is is a major Danish university with a strong international reputation across the entire research spectrum.

The objective of the Department of Animal Science is to carry out basic, strategic and applied research in issues relating to the nutrition, health and welfare of livestock, companion animals and humans. The Department has extensive experimental facilities and a large number of staff to undertake the care of animals and experimental activities.


The mission of the Zooprophylactic Experimental Institute of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna (IZSLER) is "to operate in favour of public health and production activities in the agro-food sector in compliance with ethical values, for the purpose of the socio-economic development of the country". The vision that IZSLER proposes is designed by the combination of research, technical-scientific support and training, which are indispensable tools for carrying out the mission.

EURCAW-Poultry-SFA- Team

  • Coordination team
  • IRTA
MICHEL Virginie
PhD, Eng, MSc, Coordinator
National coordinator of welfare activities in Anses. Senior scientist in animal health (epidemiology) and welfare. Main research areas include the impact of rearing systems on animal welfare, health and performances as well as food safety.
PhD, MSc, Deputy
Senior scientist at IRTA, PhD in Veterinary Sciences, he is a European Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law. Main research topics include animal welfare on farms, transport and slaughter and sustainability in animal production.
PhD, MSc, Senior scientist
Her research is mainly on poultry behaviour and welfare of layers, broilers and broiler breeders, but work has also been done on turkey, duck and quail. Focus areas are abnormal and unwanted behaviour, and the associated welfare consequences.
VINCO Leonardo James
DVM, Senior Scientist
He worked as a health manager in poultry integration and on research and training in poultry welfare, on farm, during transport and at slaughter. At present he covers the role of national contact point for animal welfare issues related to poultry.
MICHEL Virginie
PhD, Eng, MSc, Coordinator
National coordinator of welfare activities in Anses. Senior scientist in animal health (epidemiology) and welfare. Main research areas include the impact of rearing systems on animal welfare, health and performances as well as food safety.
PhD, MSc, Senior Scientist
Senior scientist in applied animal behaviour and poultry welfare. Main research areas include the interaction between husbandry practices and health and welfare outcomes in poultry farms (broilers and layers).
MOCZ Frédérique
MSc, junior Scientist
Ethologist specialised in farm animal welfare, mainly in poultry welfare, she is project manager at ANSES.
PhD, Project Manager and website administrator
She is responsible of the management of the technical assistance, the network building, the organisation of meetings with partners, management of dissemination activities. She is also the centre’s website administrator.
PhD, MSc, Deputy
Senior scientist at IRTA, PhD in Veterinary Sciences, he is a European Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law. Main research topics include animal welfare on farms, transport and slaughter and sustainability in animal production.
PhD, MSc, ENG, Junior scientist
Researcher in poultry welfare on farm and at slaughter. She has experience in animal nutrition, production and omics applied to animal science.
DVM, Research support technician
Veterinarian with training and work experience in farm animal welfare from farm to slaughter. She is specialised in the Welfare Quality protocol for the on-farm and at slaughter assessment of broilers.
DVM, Research support technician
Veterinarian with training and work experience in farm animal welfare from farm to slaughter. She is specialised in the Welfare Quality protocol for the on-farm assessment of laying hens.
She is expert in the Welfare Quality protocols for the assessment of growing rabbits on-farm. She has also worked with the welfare assessment of broilers, both on farm and at slaughter, and lying hens.
PhD, MSc, Senior scientist
Her research is mainly on poultry behaviour and welfare of layers, broilers and broiler breeders, but work has also been done on turkey, duck and quail. Focus areas are abnormal and unwanted behaviour, and the associated welfare consequences.
MØLLER Steen Henrik
PhD, MSc, Senior scientist
His main focus has been research in the effects of housing systems (e.g. sheds, pens, nest boxes, watering system) and management (e.g. monitoring, feeding, handling and social grouping) on health, welfare and production in mink (Neovison Vison).
DVM, Senior Scientist
Head of the animal health and Welfare Department at IZSLER. His main areas of activity include: Diagnosis, surveillance and control of viral disease of rabbits, poultry, livestock and wildlife; Farming biosecurity and hygiene.
VINCO Leonardo James
DVM, Senior Scientist
He worked as a health manager in poultry integration and on research and training in poultry welfare, on farm, during transport and at slaughter. At present he covers the role of national contact point for animal welfare issues related to poultry.
FUSI Francesca
DVM, Junior scientist
She is dealing with the development of practical and validated tools for collecting animal-based and non-animal-based measures for farm animals and consequent risk assessment of the welfare of target populations.
DVM, Junior scientist
Veterinarian with work and practical experience in animal welfare assessment according to the ClassyFarm method. She is currently working on the implementation of checklists and manuals for the welfare assessment of farmed rabbits in Italy.

Last updated on 11.07.2024.